April 04, 2010

OAT Guatemala: Lake Atitlan to Antigua via Sololá

Enroute to Antigua from Lake Atitlan, we stopped in Sololá.  The colorful cemetaries were fascinating.  Some families have tombs for which they have paid in full and will always belong to them.  But many of the spaces are rented.  If a family stops paying rent (as they often do after a few years), the remains are disposed of somewhere else (after removing any valuables) and another family rents the space.

We went into town to learn about "chicken buses".  Old American school buses are shipped to Guatemala and purchased by entrepreneurs who repaint them colorfully, replace the seats with benches that will hold ( a lot ) more passengers, and choose their own routes.  This is often the only way villagers (and this looked like the whole village) can get into town.  They can really pack them in.
We reached Antigua and checked into our hotel.  This is actually a purpose-built new hotel designed to look old.  It was in a gated neighborhood outside but within walking distance of Antigua.
We got into Antigua in time to see another Holy Procession
Antigua at night can be breathtaking!

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